Jonny Vance's Bio
Jonny Vance was born in Raleigh, North Carolina and migrated to Cleveland, Ohio at an early age. At 13 he started writing rhymes to pass time. From 15-17 he ran the streets of Kinsman, Union, Buckeye, Harvard & East 93rd where he learned the evils of the world. Engulfed in the life, he stopped writing completely. In September 2006 things took a dramatic turn, he lost his best friend in a motorcycle accident on Buckeye Road. Followed by the death of his first child, his son, on the day he was born January 17, 2007. Coping with this sent him into a dark place. But it wasnt over, in March, Jonny Vance recieved a call that his dad was in the hospital... by the time he arrived, his dad & namesake had died of a brain anuerism. Jonny Vance broke down. Started seeing a Psychiatrist & was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder. But the Pills weren't working. His only escape was an old pair of headphones & a mp3 player that only held 30 songs. So he played them religiously just to fall asleep. After 2 years of experimenting with drugs, alchohol, the ghetto & suburbia, in a drunken blur, Jonny wrote the lyrics to "My Cell in Hell".
Then Jonny Vance happened.